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Disclaimer: Information in the Registry is unofficial and not intended as a substitute for any official government record of military service.

George E Christensen

Born April 4, 1920, Hutchinson, MN
Gender Male
Parents John B and Sena Christensen
Schools Attended
Branch of Service Army
Additional Identifiers National Guard
Wounded in Service
Service Timeframe 1940 - 1945
War/Conflict World War Two 1939-1945
Principal Units and Locations

34th Infantry Division

Military Awards and Decorations

Silver Star, Bronze Star

George Christensen, April, 1945


Enlisted September, 1940; active duty February, 1941; sent overseas January, 1942; to North Africa December, 1942; to Italy, March, 1944, returned to the U.S. on R & R April, 1945. VE occurred while home, ASR score allowed for discharge in June, 1945.