Our Wish List
If you see something on our wish list that you are willing to donate or acquire for us, we would like to hear from you! Please call 320-616-6050 or e-mail connect@mnmilitarymuseum.org
We are currently looking for the following:
Equipment (in good condition if previously used)
Small office safe
Bike racks
Cross-cut document shredder
Dog tag machine
See our Amazon Gift List!
Historical Records. The Archive collects and preserves records, photos, maps, etc. from Minnesota veterans and military units. Please visit the Archive Donation page for details.
Artifacts. The museum seeks artifacts to fill holes in its collection and to tell the stories of Minnesota's veterans. While the collection has many artifacts, many specific pieces too numerous to be individually listed are being sought. Just because you don't see it on this Wish List doesn’t mean we can't use it, but these things, in particular, are currently being sought:
- Items from Ft. Snelling 1820s to today.
- Items from the Civil War or the early frontier forts.
- Native American items.
- Early militia/National Guard items (there are many variations of early militia uniforms and accruements not in our collection; while we recently acquired several nice Spanish-American War items, more are sought, such as blankets, shoes, hats, and other uniform items, photographs, and documents).
- WWI ration items, hobnailed boots, posters, photographs, and helmets with painted insignia or decals.
- Panoramic photographs of Minnesota units taken between 1900 and WWII.
- Pre-WWII Navy uniforms, especially work uniforms. WWII-Vietnam Navy dungarees. Items related to the ships USS Minnesota, USS Minneapolis, and USS Saint Paul. Items related to the Minnesota Naval Militia.
- Combat uniform items from WWII, especially specialized forces like Mountain Troops.
- Fatigue uniforms with all insignia worn by Minnesotans in Vietnam through any of the post-9/11 deployments, accompanied by photographs and stories illustrating their use.
- Foreign items from friends and foes—from Confederates to the Afghans—uniforms, insignia, field gear, etc.
Thanks to all our donors—past, present, and future. WE SALUTE YOU!