The Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund of the Military Historical Society of Minnesota allows you to support the museum in perpetuity. Gifts to the Endowment are treated as permanent funds, separate and distinct from day-to-day operating funds. The endowment is professionally managed and consists of a diverse mix of stock and mutual fund investments. As a matter of policy, all revenue from Lifetime Memberships, Memorial Gifts, and sale of the books Bataan Uncensored and Jungle Angel, is added to the Endowment Fund at the end of each fiscal year. You can also designate your tax deductible donation to be placed in the Endowment Fund.
One hundred percent of your endowment gift is added to the principal of the fund, and only investment earnings are used to support operations and programming at the museum. Because the principal remains untouched, a contribution to the endowment is truly an investment in the future—a gift that keeps on giving.