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Disclaimer: Information in the Registry is unofficial and not intended as a substitute for any official government record of military service.
Howard E. Phillips |
Born | 8/31/1944, Minneapolis, MN |
Gender | Male |
Parents | Howard Phillips/ Leota Brasseur |
Schools Attended | North High / National School Business |
Branch of Service | Army |
Additional Identifiers | Non-commissioned Officer Wounded in Service |
Service Timeframe | 1961 - 1968 |
War/Conflict | Vietnam War 1964-1975 Demonstrations Chicago 1967 |
Principal Units and Locations | 1/4 Cavalry, Ft Riley, Kansas - 14th Armored Cavalry, Fulda, Germany 3/4Cavarly, Chu Chu, VietNam - 1st Bn 81st Armor, Ft Hood, Texas |
Military Awards and Decorations | Bronze Star - Purple Heart |
NarrativeRiot control in Chicago happened 3 months after coming back to the world |